Talking Story
A Fantastical Fiction Channel
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Begun in May 2023, TALKING STORY: A FANTASTICAL FICTION CHANNEL features host John Minton and co-host/producer Jakob Minton. Regular guests include Amy Minton (The Mrs. / The Ma) and Mr. Pooh Bear (The Pug).
The duo posts original content three times a week:
Weekly Reader Series (every Sunday) : in which John details what titles he completed and which ones are on the To Be Read (TBR) list.
Lists and Rankings : in which John and Jakob painstakingly highlight their favorite reads.
An Artist’s Journey : in which John or Jakob will interview an author. Past interviews include Christopher Ruocchio, Janny Wurts, Michael R. Miller, Jonathan Mabury
Hauls, Round-Ups, TBRs : in which John and Jakob will show off their book piles.
Book Club with the Mrs. (monthly): in which Amy stops by to challenge John to a more literary read.
Patreon Town Hall and Read of the Month (monthly) : in which our Patreon members submit videos of their own for John and Jakob to enjoy
Live Streams : in which John and Jakob spread their wings to talk to other Booktubers, Artists, and Authors with viewers chiming in — shenanigans guaranteed!
Celebrating 10,000 subscribers!
A father/son collaboration. A reading journey like no other.

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